Wednesday 23 October 2013

Happy Lands needs YOUR vote in second BAFTA nomination

News has reached the Captain of potential BAFTA stardom for a film that has been mentioned once or twice in these pages. Most notably here.

Yes, The Happy Lands - in addition to its earlier nomination for a BAFTA 'New Talent' award - has also been nominated for the BAFTA Cineworld Audience Award in the BAFTA Scotland awards.

This is a public vote, the peoples' vote - so if you want to see this great film getting the credit it deserves, get along to the website and get your vote in!

In addition, you get an extra chance to see the film as it is being shown in the Cineworlds in Aberdeen (Union Square), Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow (Renfrew Street).

The competitors for this award are also being shown between now and Monday 28 October, so you can get a surfeit of good, Scottish film making! But The Happy Lands is on in each of the cities named at 18.00 on Thursday 24 Oct, so you'll need to hurry!

Some of the other films have bigger budgets and even bigger casts! So every vote counts.
Please vote yourself and encourage friends and family to do the same.

Any networks or organisations you can circulate this through would be tremendous and appreciated tenfold.

In addition the film is due out on DVD shortly. By SODA pictures, it is available from Amazon, I-Tunes and Distrify from Oct 28.

To the next stage, comrades!

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